What to Expect When You Bring Your Horse to the EMC
Thank you for entrusting the care of your horse to the Equine Medical Center. We appreciate your confidence and the opportunity to serve the medical needs of your horse.
When you arrive at the Equine Medical Center, please approach the entry gates slowly: They will open automatically. Park your trailer in the trailer parking area. Prior to unloading, come into the admissions office to check in. Your horse's care team will meet you at your trailer and will help with unloading your horse if you need assistance.
We require that all horses have their temperature taken prior to entering the building to adhere to biosecurity guidelines.
Our waiting area is equipped with Wi-Fi, complimentary hot drinks, vending machines, and reading materials for your convenience. Our admissions staff can also direct you to local restaurants and shops.
We encourage you to visit your horse during their stay in the hospital. When visiting your horse, please sign in at the admissions desk and wear a visitors badge at all times. Visiting clients are prohibited from touching horses other than their own. Please read our visitation policy for more information.
Your horse's discharge from the hospital is coordinated by the clinician in charge and in most cases occurs prior to 5 p.m. on a weekday.Your clinician will prepare a written discharge summary with details about your horse's hospital visit, any necessary medication instructions, and information about limiting your horse's activity, if necessary.
Please remember to retrieve any items you may have brought with your horse, including blankets and bandages.
If your horse is referred by your primary care veterinarian, a copy of your horse's discharge summary is sent to the veterinarian at the time of discharge.
We are committed to ensuring that your experience here is a positive one. You will receive an invitation to complete our online customer satisfaction survey shortly after your horse's discharge from the hospital. We appreciate your participation in the survey.