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Tuesday Talks

"Tuesday Talks"

The Equine Medical Center's popular "Tuesday Talks" lecture series offers horse owners and horse professionals the opportunity to learn about a variety of equine health topics from our clinicians, residents, and guest speakers. 

In 2024, lectures will be offered hybrid with participants welcome to attend in person at the Equine Medical Center or remotely through a webinar link. Click on the link below to register for the entire series of four presentations. 

Dates and Speakers

Tuesday, January 9:
Megan Marchitello, DVM 
Clinical Instructor of Equine Medicine
"1, 2, 3's of Foaling"

Tuesday, February 13:
Gustavo Zanotto, DVM, Ph.D., M.Sc., DACVSMR 
Clinical Assistant Professor of Equine Sports Medicine and Lameness
"Sports Medicine"

Tuesday, March 12:
Krista Estell, DVM, DACVIM (LAIM)
Clinical Associate Professor of Equine Medicine
"Understanding and Managing Cancer in Horses"

Tuesday, April 9:
Clinical Assistant Professor of Equine Emergency and Critical Care
"Equine Emergencies: When to worry, when to refer, what to expect"


To learn more about our client education programs, please call 703-771-6800.

Bandaging Video Preview
Featuring Rosie Barwick, VN, DipAVN (surg), EVN, LVT

Horse bandaging handouts

Authored by Rosie Barwick, VN, DipAVN (surg), EVN, LVT
▪︎  Equine Bandaging: Applying a Lower Limb Bandage (PDF)
▪︎  Equine Bandaging: Applying a Lower Hind Limb Bandage (PDF)