Colic surgery and aftercare for postoperative ileus allows Paso Fino gelding to return home
May 4, 2021

Savion, a 12-year-old Paso Fino gelding owned by Pam Oakley-Whiting, was referred to the Equine Medical Center by veterinarian Amy Hostedler, of White Oak Veterinary Service, for emergency colic evaluation.
After initial medical management, a diagnostic ultrasound identified a collapsed, motile, small intestine, confirming that surgery would be the best option for Savion, but under the caution that postoperative ileus (impaired gastrointestinal motility) was a strong possibility.
During surgery, head surgery resident Javier Martinez discovered a strangulating lipoma of the small intestine and successfully completed a one-foot resection of the mid jejunum (the middle section of the intestine) and anastomosis (cross-connection of the intestine).
As predicted, Savion experienced severe postoperative ileus for five days following surgery. Careful, consistent, 24/7 management was necessary to keep Savion comfortable while resolving his gastrointestinal motility issues. After a roller coaster ride for a couple of days, Savion’s comfort level slowly started to improve, and he began to enjoy his feed again.
Savion was discharged from the hospital into the care of his owner, with a rehabilitation plan in place to ensure his full recovery.